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December 4, 2006 12:03 AM

Broken: Adobe error report form

AdobeerrorreportformMarsha Glassner points out:

When you submit a bug report form to Adobe online, they ask that you write them how to reproduce the problem.

Once you have taken the trouble to write up a detailed explanation of how you encountered the bug, and you are ready to submit your report, the form tells you *after* you have completed the description, that you are limited to a description of 2000 characters!

Also, just to add insult to injury, they end their admonition to any customer who isn't concise enough with an exclamation mark!


lol and no character count either.


Posted by: n1nj4 at December 4, 2006 01:22 AM

I'm not surprised Marsha was submitting a bug report for Dreamweaver. I own Dreamweaver MX and it is definitely one of the most glitchy, buggy programs I have ever used.

Posted by: jon at December 5, 2006 03:12 PM

Thanks for posting this! I filed a bug report to get it fixed (ba-doom-cha) ;). But seriously folks... we'll get it fixed.

David Hatch, Chief Information Architect,

Posted by: da5id at January 12, 2007 06:52 PM

Maybe you can post all of the text on a web page and then in the description field, write "It is too long" and put a link to the text.

Posted by: zzo38 at January 28, 2007 09:41 AM

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